A number of industry insiders said in an interview that Fujian has occupied a “place” in the global graphene industry layout, and the agglomeration effect has initially appeared, basically forming an industrial chain from resource extraction-material preparation-downstream application-end products and related supporting industries.

Tian Zhongqun, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and president of the Graphene Engineering and Industry Research Institute of Xiamen University, revealed that Xiamen University is actively creating a national energy and graphene innovation platform, supporting Asia’s first noise-free laboratory, anti-vibration laboratory, and clean laboratory. First-class research and development facilities such as ultra-drying laboratory.

Tian Zhongqun believes that the development of graphene and other two-dimensional materials industry will promote the technological progress of relevant industries in Fujian, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote structural reforms on the supply side, and foster new kinetic energy development.